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What is Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage?

Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage offers a straightforward, speedy, and cost-effective solution for cloud object storage. Unlike other services that complicate things with multiple tiers like archival or warm storage, Wasabi uses a single tier of secure, low-latency storage. This tier matches or surpasses the performance of the most expensive frequent-access tiers from major cloud providers, but at a price point comparable to slower archival storage. This makes Wasabi perfect for a range of applications, including active archives, offsite backups, and hybrid cloud storage.

Additionally, Wasabi simplifies pricing by eliminating extra fees for data egress or API calls. This straightforward pricing model removes the uncertainty often associated with services like AWS S3 and other major cloud storage providers.

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Cloud Storage that is simple, predictable, affordable and secure

Next Gen Firewall


No complicated tiers or additional fees for egress or API calls

Capture ATP


Fast uploads and downloads and private network options

Security Services


Data center redundancy, bucket replication, and data immutability

Stop Paying Cloud Transaction Fees

An independent survey recently revealed that enterprises are spending nearly as much on transaction fees as they are on storage capacity. Legacy cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure impose these additional “transaction fees” on top of the high per-terabyte costs for data storage.

Common operations such as retrieving data, restoring files, testing backups, or moving data between storage tiers quickly accumulate costs. Because it’s challenging to predict the number of these transactions in a month, estimating the total storage bill becomes nearly impossible.

In 2022, 61% of IT decision-makers exceeded their cloud storage budgets, with 91% of them attributing the overage to various transaction fees.

Wasabi Pie Chart Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage

The only cloud storage purpose-built for large enterprises and MSPs

Wasabi is the only cloud storage service that enables MSPs or any large, multi-divisional organization, to provision, monitor, and manage multiple storage accounts with a single pane of glass. Streamline billing and administration, enhance service and support, and turn cloud storage services into a profit center for your IT department with Wasabi Account Control Manager.

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